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What you'll be getting:

Braised Chicken with Spinach and Roasted Potatoes

Per Serving

1 chicken thigh

1/2 c braising liquid

130g parboiled potatoes, seasoned and oiled

60 g chopped spinach

50 g carrots and onions

2 t clarified butter

Equipment needed: oven safe pot (or pan and casserole dish), lined sheet pan

Preheat oven to 425. 

Place your potatoes on a lined sheet pan, you do not need to add any seasonings (salt, pepper, etc.) Put in the oven for 25 minutes. 

Spoon the clarified butter into your pot and heat on high. At first I put too much butter into the containers and the dish came out a little greasy, so I took out more than half of what I was originally going to give you, so if you notice that it looks like some has been removed, it's intentional. 

I moved both of my racks up a bit, the potatoes crisp up a little better when they are just above the center line. It may just be my oven though. 

While your butter is heating, dry off the chicken with a cloth, or paper, towel. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt. 

Gently place the chicken into the pot/pan and sear for 3 minutes.

(I used my phone for the 3 minutes since the oven timer was set for the potatoes.) 

When the timer goes off, add  your onions and carrots. 

Flip over the chicken and pour in liquid. 

Put chicken in the oven, uncovered. On the rack above the potatoes. 

Leave everything in the oven until 12 minutes remain on the timer, then take out potatoes and flip with a spatula. 

After flipped, return potatoes to the oven for the remaining time. 

When the timer goes off, remove chicken and potatoes. Remove chicken with tongs and add spinach to the pot. 

The pot is hot enough to cook the spinach, no need to turn the burner on to cook it. 

Plate up potatoes and put spinach on top. 

Take the chicken and dip in remaining juice/oil that is in the pan. There are caramelized onions, lemon and wine flavors that the chicken will soak up. 

I like placing the spinach on top of the potatoes instead of on the side because the sauce drips onto the potatoes and gives them more flavor. From start to finish this dish took 25 minutes. Enjoy! 

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