Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
A message from the Carrot regarding COVID-19
Dear Corvallis Carrrot Patrons,
I hope you are all doing well in this time of unprecedented events in global history. I know it is overwhelming. The news, posts, and uncertainty right now is extrememly stressful. I want to reassure you that I am doing everything in my power to keep you healthy. Meals will continue to run for the time being. If, for whatever reason, I am unable to recieve my orders due to shortages I may have to postpone deliveries. The managers at the co-op do not forsee a closure in their store which is where I get the bulk of my ingredients, so for right now we are still on schedule.
Even though meals will still be delivered, there may be changes in the menu due to availability. Another change will be the omission of ready-to-eat foods. What I mean by that is everything sent to you will need to be cooked. I will not be sending items such as salads, cucumbers, or any items that will be eaten raw. The reason for this is that if there is a trace of the virus on a raw vegetable from the farm or store it will be killed when cooked at a high temperature.
Please, when you return your tupperware make sure they are clean and dry. I have been diligently sanitizing every piece of tupperware with a hydrogen peroxide solution and let them air dry overnight, but starting with tupperware that is not oily or that has food residue on it makes the process much easier.
I wish you all well. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.