Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep

1 oz pesto (1 cube)
2 slices of bread. I like Alpine Sourdough Bakery's "Multigrain Deli Roll" for this sandwich.
1.5 oz fresh mozzarella (MOC house-made)
1.5 oz All-natural freshly sliced turkey (MOC)
1 cup tomato soup
(Click "tomato soup" for recipe)
So the soup was basically free for me. I had a neighbor bring me extra tomatoes from her garden, so all that I paid for was a tablespoon of olive oil and a little salt and pepper. If you were to buy canned tomatoes at the store, it would run you about $1.99. Towards the bottom of the page I'll cost out everything for this meal.

Remember that pesto I had you freeze? Grab a cube and pop it in the microwave for about 15 seconds. If you don't have a microwave you can just pull it out and let it thaw out on your counter.

Divide the sauce (should be about 1 oz) in half and place on bread. Spread evenly.

Place turkey on one piece of bread, and cheese on other.
Sandwich together.

I like to grill my sandwiches on a lower temperature in 1 tablespoon of olive oil. This lets the cheese get really melty, without burning the bread. I wait until one side has started to toast, then flip over and cover with a lid. This keeps it warm and continues to infuse more flavors.
If you're cooking more than one sandwich it's a great idea to preheat your oven to 350 and as they finish put them in the oven to keep them warm and crisp. I don't like to overcrowd the pan, that's why I cook one at a time. Hope you like this one. It's one of my favorites! Simply omit turkey for vegetarian meals.
Pesto: $.70
Mozzarella: $1.19
Canned Tomatoes: $1.99 (2 servings)
$4.94 for one person
$19.76 for family of 4
Kid tested, mom approved. (She decided to be a tiger, hence the stripes all over her face.)