Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
What you'll be getting:
Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Veggies

Per serving:
5 oz pork tenderloin, topped with salt and pepper
200 g veggies (delicata squash, butternut, carrots, romanesco, cauliflower tossed with oil, salt, pepper and nutritional yeast)
25 g kale
1/4 c creamy lemon sauce (chickpeas, tahini, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, safflower oil)
Equipment needed: Sheet pan for roasting (2 pans needed for 3-4 servings), frying pan for searing
Preheat your oven to 425. If you do not have convection roast as an option, preheat your oven to 435.

Start heating up your pan. If you have a non-stick or well seasoned cast iron pan you will not need oil, but if your pan tends to have things stick to it you may want to drizzle a little oil in it. When your pan is hot, add the tenderloin. Sear for 2 minutes on each side. I normally do 3 sears and then just quickly sear the ends.

When your oven reaches 425 degrees, place the veggies on a sheet pan (2 sheet pans if you have 3-4 servings) and set a timer for 25 minutes.
After you have seared your tenderloin, place on the sheet pan with the veggies. There should be at least 15 minutes left on the timer.

When 5 minutes remain, place the kale on the sheet pan with the veggies. Toss them together.
When your timer goes off, pull the pork and veggies from the oven. The internal temperature of the pork should be at least 145 degrees. Let it rest for a minute or 2 before slicing into it. Plate up the veggies and after you cut the pork, place on top. Finish by drizzling the sauce over top of everything. From start to finish this dinner takes under 30 minutes. Enjoy.