Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
What you'll be getting:
Pork Tenderloin with Spring Veggies and Rice

Per Serving
5 oz pork tenderloin (seasoned with salt and pepper)
100 g veggies (Swiss chard, zucchini, asparagus, green onion, tossed in a little oil)
1/4 c brown rice
1 T seasoning sauce (lemon juice, avocado oil, fines herbes, salt, pepper, nutritional yeast, garlic)
Equipment needed: 1 non-stick sautee pan, 1 pot of water, 1 lined sheet pan
Preheat the oven to 400.

While you are waiting for the oven to reach 400, start boiling a pot of water. You do not need to measure the water as you will be cooking it like pasta, just make sure that it is at least 4 times the amount of rice that you have.
After you have put water on to boil, start heating up your pan for the tenderloin. If items tend to stick in your pan you may need a little oil. You don't want to add too much as the pork and veggies already have oil on them. When your pan is hot, add the tenderloin. Sear for 2 minutes on each side.

I also like to quickly sear (less than a minute total) the other sides and ends. Once the tenderloin is all seared, you can place it on the sheet pan.

After 2 minutes, flip the tenderloin over and sear for another 2 minutes.

Place in the oven and set a timer for 20 minutes.

Once your water begins to boil, add the rice. Set a timer for 12 minutes. Larger servings may take up to 15 minutes.

When 5 minutes remain, begin heating up the pan that had the pork in it. Once hot, add the veggies. You only need to sautee these for about 3 minutes or so.

Strain the rice when its timer has finished, place back in the pot and leave on the stove until it is ready to be plated. Pull the pork our when the timer goes off. To make sure it is cooked fully you can use a thermometer. Pork should be cooked to 145 degrees. Let it rest for a couple of minutes after you pull it from the oven.

After you have let it rest, you can plate the rice and veggies on top. Then slice and place the tenderloin on top of everything. Finish the dish by drizzling a little seasoning sauce over everything. From start to finish this dinner takes less than 30 minutes. Enjoy.