Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
Corvallis Carrot Organic Meal Prep
What you'll be getting:
Salmon Patties with Quinoa and Veggies
Per Serving
120 g salmon patties (Coho salmon, roasted cauliflower, shallots, lemon, sage, thyme, salt, pepper, avocado oil, nutritional yeast, eggs, coconut flour)
80 g kale and snow peas
1/4 c quinoa
3 T sage sauce (homemade mayonnaise, sage, lemon juice, lemon thyme, water)
Equipment needed: sautee pan, pot for quinoa.
*How much water to use for quinoa: 1 serving- 1/2 c water, 2 servings- 1 c water, 3 servings- 1.5 c water, 4 servings- 2 c water
Cook quinoa on medium heat for 15 minutes with the amount of water listed above. Cover with a lid.
Preheat oven to 400. (if cooking in the oven)
There are 2 ways you can cook the patties. One: In a pan
Two: On a sheet pan
I had a shortage of my smallest containers today so I wasn't able to measure out the oil, but in your pan, drizzle just enough oil so the patties won't stick. You want to cook on medium-high heat. If you are using a lined sheet pan you can drizzle a little oil on top of the patties, this will give them a little more color.
Put the patties in the pan and cook for 2 minutes. If you are cooking in the oven, cook for 10 minutes.
Flip after 2 minutes. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, or until the patties have a nice golden color on them. If you are cooking in the oven no need to flip.
When your patties have finished cooking, transfer them to a cutting board.
Using the same pan that had the patties in it, add the veggies.
Sautee on high heat for 1 minute or until the kale begins to wilt.
When the quinoa has finished cooking you can plate it.
Top with the veggies.
Next, place the patties.
Finish with the sauce. From start to finish this dinner takes 15 minutes. Enjoy!